Friday, July 22, 2011

Update on the Binky Debacle

It's officially day 4.

We have made the cut lengthwise in the binky.

She has taken 2 naps without it.  She even went to bed without it last night.

I really think this method is working.

She still sometimes cries out for her binky, but once she gets it, she doesn't want it.  And she doesn't continue to cry out for it.

I know the method says to be done with the binky after today.  However, I think we may keep it around tomorrow, just to reinforce the idea that this binky is not what it used to be.  It's not soothing her.

She still thinks the binky soothes her.  Until she gets it and remembers otherwise, anyway.

Oh, and we've officially just gotten our first mark of crayon on the wall.  I think I'll be blogging about this later.


  1. So, it does work? Is it sad when she realizes that it's not soothing to her anymore? I'm so scared to start!

  2. It's actually not sad at all! You can almost see the thoughts going through her head: "I'm upset! BINKY!!!! Wait ... this isn't the same ... oh well!" I'm actually quite amazed!
