Monday, April 11, 2011

Who agreed to all this work?!

Alright, here's the deal.  I need to cram the next four weeks of paper writing and assignments into the next 6 days.


Well, because I start my job next week.  And, truthfully, I'm a little nervous.  Not because of the job itself, but because of what it means in terms of my time.  Right now, I work very close to home and my job affords me to do a lot of my homework at work.  Convenient, no?

This new job doesn't have the same luxuries.  I will be traveling a bit more (not much, maybe another 15 minutes each way) and I will not be able to do my homework.  With my new job, there is always something to do- someone to call, papers to file/fax, etc, etc, etc.  Also, hello, it's a new job.  Who wants to walk in on their first day and say "Okay, here's my desk.  Now, don't bother me, I'm doing homework."  How unprofessional is that?

So, all of the foreseeable homework that I have I am trying to get done this week.  Luckily for me, the weather this past weekend was amazing but it won't be like that this week (or weekend, for that matter) so I won't be tempted to go outdoors more than necessary.

My number one distraction is definitely going to be Katie.  And, if she wants to see me at all once this new job starts, she's gonna need to sacrifice this week to homework.  I'm sorry baby girl, but Mommy needs to WRITE!

However, it is now 11:47pm and I need to be up and out the door bright and early tomorrow, little one in tow so it's time I hit the bedsheets full time.  :)

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