Friday, April 1, 2011

No Boys Allowed!

Oh me oh my.  I am beat.  But you know what?  I'm tired of complaining about it!  It's high time I started looking upon my days with joy, not with exhaustion!  It doesn't matter that I did a million and a half things today - what matters is that I get to spend this entire weekend with my daughter (aside from the few hours I work tomorrow).  My husband is out of town (and of course, I miss him) and I get Katie basically all to myself.  What more could a mommy ask for than a Girls Only weekend?!

I truly am excited for the weekend, although the amount of homework I have due next week is daunting.  I am vowing to not touch any of it unless Katie is napping.  I want to spend as much time as I possibly can with my little girl because, frankly, she's not so little anymore.

I discovered the other day that she doesn't have so much of a baby face anymore.  It's a toddler face.  Complete with a toothy grin and mischievous eyes.  She's begun walking (it's slow going, but she's definitely getting there).  She eats entire meals, not just little nibbles you throw in front of her (gosh, that makes my daughter sound like a cat! I swear, we do feed her, she just used to be more of a grazer).

I don't want to be standing outside her school, waving to her as she enters for her first day of kindergarten, middle school, high school, college, wondering where the time went.  I need to make the most of it.  And I vow to.

Starting with this weekend.

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