Thursday, January 13, 2011

Thankful - January 13th

1. I am thankful for mornings when I get out of the shower, do my hair and makeup, get dressed and feel beautiful.  Days like this are rare.  Sure, I have flaws, obviously, but on mornings like this, I don't see them.

2. I am thankful for cutting back our cable.  At first, I was a bit sad we I would be missing guilty pleasures such as Jersey Shore and Jerseylicious (notice a trend?), but it was nice to go to sleep at a decent hour and not spend mindless hours in front of the TV.

3. I am thankful for my husband's better attitude this morning.  Last night, he was so discouraged because of work and it led to a small tiff, but this morning, he's a changed man, all because of an early morning cuddle session with Katie.

4. I am thankful for my financial aid coming in today because I can finally go pick up my books.

5. I am thankful for coffee.  End of story.

Today's reading are Genesis 31-32 and Matthew 9:18-38


  1. Beautiful post! So you cut out cable completely? Ooooh, do tell. How do you cope?! haha Do you still get the local channels?

  2. We do still get the local channels (that's really all we get) but so far it hasn't been too bad - I feel like a better mommy for it, as cheesy as that sounds. We still have PBS, so Katie still gets Super Why and Dinosaur Train (not that I think she'd cry if she didn't have it, but it gives me an hour of "sanity"). Most of our basic cable shows that we (I) watch are available online anyway. It's also brought me back into the loving, if mostly dramatic, arms of Grey's Anatomy.

    Plus, with school starting next week (I'm bumping it up to 5 classes) and work, I feel like TV would really just add unnecessary pressure.

  3. So do you use Comcast for your local channels and internet? We have their triple deal with phone, internet and cable but it's so expensive!

  4. Yeah we use Comcast. We just have the local channels and internet and I think it's about $60 a month? We have Sprint for our phone service (we don't have a house line, just the cell phones) but with our jobs (both of us work at Chase) we get a 27% discount, which really helps, so our phone bill is about $140 a month.

  5. I didn't know you were at Chase...or maybe I did. What do you do there? Do you go to night school?

  6. I am a teller and Mike is a banker. I'm only part-time, so I go to school during the day. It's a pretty hectic schedule, but it's gotta happen!
