Wednesday, October 30, 2013

My little snafu

Okay so here's the deal.

I mentioned that I've lost a few pounds while on this clean eating switch.  I realize that a lot of it is water and my body is getting readjusted to the new intake of fresh foods.  I know that it takes less time to digest foods that don't have preservatives in them so my food exits much faster than it used it.  I get that.

But at the same time, guys, I just calculated my BMI and it's a little scary.  It's now 18.2.  <18 .5="" considered="" have="" i="" is="" nbsp="" underweight.="">never
 been underweight.  Now, I know that it's barely underweight, but it's still underweight all the same!
I'm beginning to think that it's definitely time to start throwing in some workouts here and there.  My caloric intake is really pretty good, I just need to rebuild my muscle tone.  Before I got pregnant with Katy, I was a nice healthy 130 lbs (at 5'7") and a lot of it was lean muscle.  I wasn't bulky and I wasn't crazy strong, but I had decent muscle tone (and as we all know, muscle weighs more than fat).

Of course, once I figure out some more clean desserts to make, I'm pretty sure my weight will begin to turn around :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm right there with you in being underweight because of lack of muscles. Let me know what you come up with. Maybe I can find something to do here in morocco or I will have to get back to yoga in the US.
