Saturday, August 11, 2012

Oh Boy ...

As stubborn as Katy is, I think Baby Mikey is doubly so.  This boy has definitely given me a run for my money and he's not even here yet!  Let's review, shall we?

TWICE I have gone into L&D with false labor.  TWICE!  Do you know how embarrassing that is, especially when you already have one child?  Granted, I didn't labor naturally with Katy, I was induced.  But still - ridiculous.  And here's the kicker: both times that I went in, I was totally justified.  The first time I went in, I was having contractions lasting a minute long, coming every 5 minutes for an hour and a half.  The second time (two days later), they lasted for 2 and a half hours before I went in.  Both times, they just stopped after leaving the hospital.  Done.  Finito.  What the heck?!

Last night, I was having contractions again for a good three hours.  I decided not to go in to the hospital because they weren't incredibly regular.  They'd be 2 minutes apart for a few minutes, then jump to 5.  Talk about worrying my poor husband!  He was convinced I was going to have this baby on the side of the road somewhere!

Every morning, I wake up and tell Mikey that this would be a wonderful day to be born.  Katy tells him she wants him to come out and play.  Michael gives him a pep talk.  Nothin'!

Boy child ... please come out soon - we're all dying to meet you!

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