Wednesday, January 19, 2011

And so it begins ...

Ah, school.  How I have missed thee...

Really, I have.  I miss the collegiate atmosphere, even if it is minimal.  Come on, I go to community college.

Don't look at me like that!  Let's be honest here, community college isn't exactly attended by the world's best and brightest!  That's not to say there aren't serious students there.  I go there, don't I?  My point is, most of the students that go to Triton are there for one reason - to keep their parents off their backs about going to college.


And then there's me.  A student who, after throwing away an excellent education at Loyola University (and Bradley University before that) realized just a wee bit late in life that working at Chase as a bank teller is not satisfying.  Nor is it what I want my daughter to grow up with.  I want Katie to be proud of me, while at the same time using me (and her father, for that matter) as an example of what NOT to do post-high school.

Anyway, I'm VERY excited to start back at school, yet also a wee bit nervous.  I'm taking on an extra class this semester after learning that last semester was an absolute breeze.  We're going to test it out and see how much of a difference one extra class makes.

But there is one thing I wanted to share that just proves how nerdy I am :)

This, ladies and gentlemen (well, mostly ladies), is my backpack for my MWF classes :)

And THIS is my backpack for my TuTh classes.

What you can't see is the inside, the contents of these two bags.  That's right, I have color coordinated folders/notebooks/binders.  All with little labels announcing to the world what classes they are each for, what time those classes are and what room those classes are held in.  

Oh boy, let the OCD commence!

1 comment:

  1. Haha I love it!! I'm totally the same way, and when I was in college I loved having all new school supplies. Color coordinated was an added bonus ;)
