Monday, October 28, 2013

Changes, they are a-comin'!

I debated with myself whether or not I was going to blog about this at all.  I kept thinking "who cares?  You're doing this stuff for you, you're not an expert on this at all.  Why would you want to blog about this?"  But then I remembered that I blog mostly for myself.  I don't have many people who read my blog to begin with.  So I decided to go ahead with it and here I am!

A few weeks ago, I saw in passing something about clean eating.  I didn't even pay attention to it at all, really.  Then I was watching a YouTube video about dying my hair and I wound up watching a whole bunch of videos by this person who also, coincidentally, clean eats.  She went on about how it changed her life, she's no longer putting chemicals in her body, yadda yadda yadda.

Fast forward a few weeks and I hop on Pinterest (oh the love/hate relationship I have with thee) and decided, what the heck - I'll search for some clean eating stuff, see what I come up with.

Whoa, guys.  This is a pretty big deal!  I've come across a few blogs (check out this one) and a whole mess of recipes (this is a good one!).  Some people are far more strict with their diets; they have eliminated anything that isn't 100% fresh.  Others are more relaxed; they've eliminated overly processed foods, refined sugars and flours.  The route we're taking is kind of in between (so far, anyway).

It's a transition, to go from "normal" eating to clean eating.  I suppose I could go through my refrigerator and pantry and toss anything and everything that isn't clean.  But then I'd have to spend hundreds of dollars repurchasing things that are clean.  Because, guys, SO much that we put into our bodies is not clean.  The biggest shock I've discovered?  Spices!  If you don't buy organic spices, you might want to switch over, and I'll tell you why: non-organic spices have a chemical added to them to prevent clumping.  A CHEMICAL to prevent clumping, y'all!  Even our spices aren't safe!!


There's a few reasons why I've decided (for myself) to eat clean.

Number 1, I want clearer skin.  I've always struggled with combination skin, acne, dullness, age spots, sun spots, saggy skin (especially in the face).  I've tried every OTC medication/cream/cleanser known to man.  Nothing has worked.  And I figured out that maybe I'm going about it the wrong way.  Maybe what my skin needs isn't something to fix the outside, but something to fix the inside.  I need to get rid of the refined sugars, MSG, gross additives that are in darn near everything I eat.

Number 2, I want more energy.  I don't want to NEED caffeine throughout the day.  I don't want to feel run down by the time I'm starting dinner.  I want to be able to have the energy to play with my kids throughout the day.  I want to wake up in the morning ready to start my day.  I want to not NEED coffee to be able to function in the morning.  I've had a few days here and there over the past few months where I haven't needed a cup of coffee or I have gotten up and got right to work on the house.  Those days are awesome, and I want more of them.

Number 3, I want to change my kids' diets.  I don't want them to have to start this in their 20s or 30s when they feel run down and exhausted and are sick and tired of feeling sick and tired.  I don't want then to NEED to make this change.  And since we are their parents, we are in charge of what they eat.  We can make this change for them now to prevent future problems.  I don't want them to become addicted to the same things I have (sugar, processed and prepackaged foods, etc).  Someone mentioned to me about a week ago that she felt bad for the kids who aren't allowed to have candy and boxed mac & cheese because their parents got to grow up with it and she felt they were unfairly missing out.  But the thing is, while WE might see it as missing out, they don't.  These kids don't know any different!  How can they miss something they've never had?

Number 4, and this is the most important, it's Biblical.  Romans 12:1-2:

I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.  Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. (ESV)

God gave me my body, as a gift to me, to do His will.  It is my job to take care of my body, my childrens' bodies, and my husband's body (as the primary food purchaser and maker).  While exercise is great (and VERY important), the stuff we put into our bodies is equally as important, if not moreso.  I firmly believe it is right and good to go back to eating the way God intended: fresh fruits and vegetables, unprocessed meats, whole grains.  God gave us these things to nourish our bodies and we ignore them for the flashy packaging and artificial flavors of processed foods.


My goal is to use this blog as an accountability partner.  I want to journal the changes that I notice.  I want to be open and honest about my feelings toward this adjustment (right now I'm very positive, but it's been less than a week - I'm sure there will be days when things get HARD).

Here's the deal, though: I need your help just a little bit - if you notice it's been awhile and you haven't heard from me, PESTER ME.  Almost everyone who reads this either knows me personally or through Facebook or Proboards.  I want to keep this updated with my journey and, as I'm sure you've noticed by now, I'm not so great at this keeping up with the blog thing.  I want to get better at that.