That, ladies and gentlemen, is how big my baby is!
That's right - in August, Mike and I will be bringing another beautiful baby into the world and Katy will become a big sister! We couldn't be more excited - well, kind of ... Katy doesn't really care yet. She's just not aware of what it all really means.
I still haven't decided if I want to know the gender, but I know Mike is really pushing for us to find out at the anatomy scan in a few weeks.
I'm currently 17 weeks along and that means the scary first trimester is completely over. The morning sickness and nausea have been put behind me and we're on to bigger and better things. And I do mean bigger! All pants worn are now maternity pants. This belly is expanding much faster than it did when I was pregnant with Katy. Which is to be expected, I guess. It's still amazing to think about the differences in belly size!
This is me at 17 weeks with Katy
17 Weeks with Starrick #2
And for more comparison with my original
It's really, really exciting and amazing how quickly the second pregnancy goes. I'm already feeling the baby moving like crazy and have gotten to feel a few outside kicks. Mike still hasn't felt them, but I know it's only a matter of days before that happens.
By the way, how do you like my new 'do? Just got it done a couple days ago and I LOVE it :)